If you are expecting a baby in Indiana, there may be a question as to whether you will give birth vaginally or have a cesarean section performed to deliver the baby. According to WebMD, sometimes a known pregnancy complication exists prior to the baby’s birth. In this instance, your doctor may recommend that you schedule a C-section in advance rather than attempt a trial of labor. In other cases, the complication may arise during labor, causing your doctor to order a cesarean on an emergent basis.
It is not unheard of for women to choose to schedule a C-section electively even in the absence of any complications. There are various reasons why you may prefer this course of action: a scheduled delivery may be more convenient for you than waiting for labor to commence, or you may wish to avoid labor and the possible complications it can entail. However, your doctor may be reluctant to perform an elective cesarean. Surgery comes with its own risks of possible complications, and women who have multiple C-sections may be at greater risk for heavy bleeding or placental problems during subsequent pregnancies, potentially necessitating a hysterectomy.
However, in other cases, a C-section may pose less risk than vaginal delivery. The following are situations in which a cesarean may be the safer option for both you and your baby:
- Blockage of the birth canal
- Prolapsed umbilical cord
- Abnormal fetal position
- Stalled labor
A history of a previous C-section may be an indication to have another, but this is not always the case. Some women are candidates to attempt vaginal birth after cesarean, and most of these attempts are ultimately successful.
This article is for educational purposes only. It should not be taken as legal advice.