It can be devastating to learn that your baby has a condition that will negatively impact his or her life. It seems it should be a basic right for all children to come into the world with a fair chance of growing up normally and becoming happy and productive. But if a newborn suffers a brain injury during the delivery, the effects could last anywhere from a few months to an entire lifetime.
Parents who discover that their baby will face struggles are typically resolved to do all in their power to provide the child with the extra care and protection that he or she needs. But often it takes much more than effort and desire to help a child with a brain injury; there are also financial costs for special care and education.
So, if the baby’s injury was preventable or the result of negligence on behalf of a medical professional, the parents should have the right to pursue compensation to help defray the added expenses for the baby’s treatment.
The fact is, if your baby has a severe brain injury that manifests itself in a case of cerebral palsy, the responsibility will fall on you to lend a hand in virtually every aspect of his or her life. This is an enormous task, and you will need every bit of financial assistance that you can receive.
At Garau Germano, P.C., we are well versed in all manner of birth injuries and understand their long-term consequences. We have the knowledge and experience necessary to not only investigate the causes of your baby’s injury but also to pursue appropriate compensation. We welcome the opportunity to discuss your case so please feel free to contact us at your convenience.