You may be one of many women in Indiana who describe the experience of having a baby as one of the most rewarding yet challenging events in life. If you recently learned you were pregnant, you have hopefully begun building a strong support network and will enjoy a healthy and happy pregnancy. In approximately 40 weeks, you’ll be holding your newborn child!
Sometimes, doctors determine a need for a cesarean section to keep moms and babies safe during delivery. This is why it is so helpful to connect with an experienced and skilled obstetrician and medical team. Experienced doctors and nurses can recognize the signs of distress that warrant a c-section. You may want to learn more about such signs as well, as one can never know too much about one’s own health in order to be a proactive patient.
What constitutes distress?
It’s one thing to say that the distress of a mother or infant in the womb may prompt an emergency c-section. It’s quite another to understand the issues that qualify as maternal or fetal distress. The following list includes several reasons why your doctor might order a scheduled or emergency c-section:
- If you were hemorrhaging
- If you have suffered an urgent situation involving placenta abruption, meaning your placenta is tearing away from your uterus
- If the umbilical cord drops into the vaginal canal ahead of your baby
- If you have had a previous c-section and your uterus tears along the scar
- If you’ve been laboring a long time and are not progressing
- If your contractions aren’t strong enough to move the baby through the birth canal
- If your baby is breech or posterior
- If your baby’s heart rate is too fast or too slow
When undergoing a c-section, you may be conscious or put under general anesthesia. It’s up to your doctor to determine which course of action is best in your particular situation. Prior to that, however, you have a right to reasonably assume that your doctor will adhere to accepted safety standards and will properly diagnose a need for a c-section in a timely and efficient manner.
What if that doesn’t happen?
It’s important to think positive thoughts when you’re preparing for childbirth. It is also important to understand that doctors can make mistakes and some are downright negligent. If your doctor overlooks issues that signal your or your baby’s distress and a subsequent need for a c-section, either you or your child could suffer injury. Situations like that often lead to litigation because parents filed medical malpractice claims against those deemed liable for the injuries their families have suffered.