When the time comes for you to go visit your doctor, chances are you have done some research to find a health care provider that you trust to give you thorough and effective care. What you may not know, is that doctor errors are far more common than many people realize. Despite efforts by health care facilities to better protocols designed to keep patients safer, there are things that you can do as well to facilitate your protection. At Garau Germano PC, we have helped many people in Indiana to work through challenging cases where they have been the victims of medical malpractice.
One of the wisest things you can do to keep yourself safe when visiting your doctor is to ask questions. Do not be timid about voicing your concerns and expect nothing less than a thorough answer. If you have to ask for clarification a few times, make sure you do so to assure that you walk away with a clear understanding of your symptoms, treatment options and potential side effects of any medications that were prescribed.
According to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, there are specific questions that you can ask before, during and after your appointment. Additionally, you can come up with questions of your own. Here are some common and important questions that you should always consider asking:
- What are my treatment options? Are there any viable alternatives?
- Are you experienced in performing this specific procedure?
- Will this prescription have any reactions with other medications already being taken?
- What is the purpose of this test? What should the results be?
When you know the right questions to ask and wait until you have a satisfactory answer, you can be more confident in the skill and reputation of your health care provider. For more information about staying safe from doctor errors, visit our web page.