While giving birth can certainly be an intense and emotional experience, it is also typically a safe and successful process. It is always hoped that the baby will find its way out of the womb without any complications. However, sometimes assistance is required to complete the birth.
There are two primary tools that can be used for performing an extraction during childbirth; forceps and a vacuum.
The vacuum is comprised of a vacuum pump that has a handle and a rigid or soft cup attached. A healthcare worker places the vacuum on a baby’s head so as to guide him or her through the birth canal.
While vacuum extractions can be effective, your healthcare provider should typically not perform the procedure under the following conditions:
- If your baby may not be able to pass through your pelvis.
- If your baby has a bleeding disorder or any condition that affects his or her bone strength.
- If there is uncertainty regarding where the baby’s head is positioned.
- If you have been pregnant for under 34 weeks.
- If a body part other than your baby’s head is coming out first through the birth canal.
- If your baby has undergone a fetal scalp sampling.
There are a variety of injuries that can be caused by improperly executed vacuum extractions, including nerve damage, collarbone fractures, scalp wounds, and skull fractures. So it is vital that the healthcare professionals understand all the risks involved and only perform the procedure if it safe to do so.
If you believe that your baby was injured due to an improperly conducted vacuum extraction, an Indiana medical malpractice attorney could follow up on your suspicions by performing an investigation. If your baby’s injuries were due to negligence on behalf of the attending healthcare professional, the attorney could work on your behalf to get you the compensation you need to get your baby the care he or she needs.